Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Blackjack or 21 is the game of choice.  I can take a hundred dollar bill and play cards all night.  That same one hundred dollars can be lost in twenty minutes at the slots.  Slots are a waste of time and resources.  Penny slots have become a casino gold mine.  People think, "Oh, it's only pennies" and 2000 points for $20.00 is a lot.  But when you bet all 18 or 20 lines at ten to twenty cents a line the bet is not calculated in cents anymore but in dollars.  You are better off playing blackjack.  If you learn the strategies of the game the odds of winning are in your favor.  Learn the game of blackjack and have a more enjoyable time in the casino.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Four-year-olds and Gasoline

What's with this kid who insists on getting into Grandpa's gasoline cans? For some reason he finds pouring gas on the driveway an acceptable outdoor activity. He'll ignore his battery powered four-wheeler, by-pass his bicycle and turn his nose up at the trampoline. Even the mud and puddles cannot entice him away from the gasoline and fumes. He can't afford to lose any cells from his puny little pea brain.